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Internet of things (IOT) Testing

The “Internet of things” (IoT) is becoming an increasingly growing topic of conversation both in the workplace and outside of it. This concept not only has the potential to impact how we live but also how we work.
Simply put, this is the concept of basically connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet (and/or to each other). This includes everything from cellphones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices and almost anything else you can think of.

The Internet of Things (IoT) consists of all the web-enabled devices that collect, send and act on data they acquire from their surrounding environments using embedded sensors, processors and communication hardware.
These devices, often called “connected” or “smart” devices, can sometimes talk to other related devices, a process called machine-to-machine(M2M) communication, and act on the information they get from one another.
Humans can interact with the gadgets to set them up, give them instructions or access the data, but the devices do most of the work on their own without human intervention.
Connected devices also generate massive amounts of Internet traffic, including loads of data that can be used to make the devices useful, but can also be mined for other purposes. All this new data, and the Internet-accessible nature of the devices, raises both privacy and security concerns.

This technology allows for a level of real-time information that we’ve never had before. We can monitor our homes and families remotely to keep them safe. Businesses can improve processes to increase productivity and reduce material waste and unforeseen downtime. Sensors in city infrastructure can help reduce road congestion and warn us when infrastructure is in danger of crumbling.


The Philips Hue lighting system is the most popular of the smart device bulbs. It can change colors you choose, they’ll even match the tones in a photo that you upload via the app. They can also be turned on and off on a schedule or from your smartphone, and the Hue bulbs can even be synced with your music for an awesome sound-and-light party.

Home Automation using Google Home or Amazon Alexa – These home control systems lets you control most of the electronic connections in your house through an app on your smartphone. It works irrespective of your location and is done over the internet.



Security is a crucial issue on the Internet, and it is probably the most significant challenge for the IoT.When you increase the number of connected devices, the number of opportunities to exploit vulnerabilities through poorly designed devices can expose user’s data to theft, especially when the data streams are left with inadequate protection.

    • The Internet of Things presents some unique challenges when it comes to privacy, and a lot of that goes far beyond the data privacy issues that exist currently. Much of this is because of the trouble integrating devices into the environments without people using them consciously.
    • An absence of standards may well enable inappropriate behavior by IoT devices. Without the right standards to guide and regulate manufacturers, developers may design products that operate in any number of disruptive ways online without regard for their impact. When they are configured or designed poorly, these devices may have negative consequences for networking resources they connect to and, in the broader picture, the Internet itself.


Following are the few of the most used technologies in IoT:

    • RFID [Radio Frequency Code]
    • tags and EPC [Electronic Product Code]

    • NFC
    • [Near Field Communication] is used to enable two-way interactions between the electronic devices. This is basically for the smartphones and is mostly used to do the contactless payment transactions.

    • This is used where short range communications are enough to get away with the problem. This is mostly used in wearable technologies.

    • Z-WAVE
    • This is a low power RF comm technology. This is primarily used for home automation, lamp controlling etc.

    • WIFI
    • This is the most commonly used choice for IoT. When on a LAN, this helps in transferring files, data and messages seamlessly.


    • The device should be smart enough to push not only the notifications but also the error messages, warnings etc.The system should have an option to log all the events to provide clarity to the end users. If it is not capable of doing that, the system should push those as well to a database to store it.The notifications should be shown and handling of the display should be done properly in the devices [computers/mobile devices].

      Usability in terms of displaying data, processing data, pushing job tasks from the devices should be tested thoroughly.


The system has to be available all the time and should have seamless connectivity.

As per connectivity, two things are very important to test;

Connectivity, transfer of data, receiving job tasks from the devices should be seamless when the connection is UP and running.
The other condition is the connection down scenario. Doesn’t matter how robust is the system and the network, there are chances that the system will go offline. Being a tester, we should test the offline conditions as well.


As testers, we need to make sure the system performs the same even though the added data is propagated.


Testing items such as, multiple operating system versions, browser types and respective versions, communication modes [For e.g. Bluetooth 2.0, 3.0] is necessary for IoT compatibility testing.


IoT is a combination of multiple protocols, devices, operating systems, firmware, hardware, networking layers etc.

When an upgrade is performed, be it for the system or for any of the involved items, thorough regression testing should be carried out/strategy should be adopted so as overcome upgrade related issues.

The Importance of SQL Skills for Quality Analyst / Tester

The demand for “all around” testers is growing.

What does the phrase “all around” mean? It means that testers should be equipped with the ability to test the system’s functionality through traditional “point, click, and verify” testing methods AND be able to utilize their technical expertise to verify all aspects of a system. That technical expertise includes operating system, interface, and database verification skills. In this blog, I will highlight the importance of good Structured Query Language (SQL) skills.

How important are SQL skills for a Software Tester?
As a Software Quality Assurance Tester, I have worked on several different applications. Some of the applications require strong SQL verification skills, some of them required medium skills, and for some of the applications, I didn’t need any SQL knowledge.

Even if you are working on front-end testing of different web applications to verify the site functionality, you may require basic SQL skills. SQL skills is required to verify test data: insert, update, and delete the test data values in the database. You will need to use SQL queries against the SQL server database for this particular test approach.

If you are strictly working on back-end testing projects (i.e. Data Warehousing, ETL processing or File-based data load, Interface testing etc.), SQL Query knowledge is a must have skill. As part of this testing, you will need to compare data before and after processing. You may be writing complex queries with select statements and in order to do that you will need to the relation between the tables, columns, and the query before you can write any kind of SQL statements. You will also need to understand how to write the different types of SQL Statements to verify the test data.

SQL skills is also useful if you are working on Business Intelligence (BI) reporting projects. This is where you will require advanced SQL knowledge and need to learn how to write complex SQL queries using Aggregates, Group By and Having along with complex Joins. As part of reports testing, you may need to verify complex calculations and analyze data along with understanding complex data structures in relational or data warehousing (star or snowflake schema).

From my past experiences, I believe a tester should have the below database and SQL knowledge:


    • Recognize the different types of databases (i.e. SQL Server vs Oracle and Relational database vs Star/Snoflak schemas)
    • Connect to the database using different SQL connection clients
    • Understand the relationship between database tables, keys, and indices
    • Write basic select queries or SQL statement along with more complex join queries
    • Interpret more complex queries

SQL statements we frequently use in testing are:

    • Data Manipulation Language (DML): Used to retrieve, store, modify, delete, insert, and update data in the database. Examples: SELECT, UPDATE and INSERT statements.
    • Data Definition Language (DDL): Used to create and modify the structure of database objects
    • in the database. Examples: CREATE, ALTER and DROP statements.
    • Transactional Control Language (TCL): Manages different transactions occurring within the database. Examples: COMMIT, ROLLBACK statements.
    • Inner Join: Retrieves the matched records from both tables.
    • Distinct: Retrieves the different values from one or more fields.
    • In: This operator is used to find the value is within the list or not.
    • Between: This operator is used to retrieve the values with in a range.
    • Like: This operator is used perform pattern matching using wildcards; it is used in the where clause.
    • Order By Clause: Sorts the table records in ascending or descending order. Default order is ascending.
    • Group By: Use Group By statements with the aggregate function to group the result set with one or more columns.
    • Aggregate Functions: Performs a calculation on a set of values and return a single value. Example: Avg, Min, Max, Sum, count etc.

Throughout my 20+ years of IT experience with SQL I’ve seen the benefits and usefulness of SQL Skills applied in the testing projects. I would suggest testers acquire some knowledge of SQL to become the “all around,” versatile tester that clients need and value.

Please reach out if you have any questions on SQL or like to learn SQL. You can also check out our SQL/Database/SSRS Bootcamp here so that you can acquire valuable SQL/Database skills over 3 weekends.

What is RPA (Robotic Process Automation)?

Robotic process automation (RPA) is an emerging form of clerical process automation technology based on the notion of software robots or artificial intelligence (AI) workers.

Defining RPA: Taking the robot out of the human
At first glance, RPA may sound like theoretical tech along the lines of self-aware artificial intelligence, but the actual mechanics are much more mundane and connected to modern business operations.

RPA involves the use of automated “bots” to manage a wide variety of internal processes that would otherwise require manual operation. These tasks can include anything from processing insurance claims to opening new bank accounts, but RPA solutions are often used for time-consuming and arduous jobs that don’t take advantage of knowledge workers’ specialized expertise and skill sets. As TechTarget explained, record management, handling transactions and running database queries are all viable candidates for RPA implementation.

When used in the right environments, RPA tools can replace thousands of manhours handling repetitive tasks, freeing up staff members to tackle more value-driven projects.

What are RPA robots?
When we talk about robots as they pertain to RPA, what we really mean is software. Bots in this sense refer to programs that simulate a human activity, like crawling data repositories for information, for instance. By automating bots to respond to particular events with a predefined set of actions, businesses can dramatically increase the speed of their internal workflows, while also minimizing the potential for costly mistakes like data entry errors.

The important criteria to keep in mind when discussing RPA and its potential applications is structure and repeatability. RPA bots are not “intelligent” or “thinking” the same way machine learning and AI tools are. At their most fundamental capabilities, RPA solutions are not able to self-improve or think critically about the task at hand. They just do what they’re told.

In this way, RPA is a very different form of technology than ML or AI. It is arguably more beneficial and relevant to modern-day business, especially among organizations that rely on numerous repetitive workflows to operate. While RPA isn’t a self-learning asset, it can be configured to spot errors and mistakes in internal processes and flag them accordingly. With the combined benefits of accelerated business speed, increased workflow accuracy and employee productivity, it’s easy to see why this technology has generated a lot of interest.

Major RPA software tools
When vetting potential RPA platforms, decision-makers should look for solutions that can be applied to workflows specific to their industry. RPA software may not necessarily be custom designed with a certain vertical in mind, but it should be able to support common processes and the most beneficial applications.

With that in mind, there are three RPA software leaders that can support most automation use cases. They are:

  • UiPath
  • Automation Anywhere
  • Blue Prism

All are powerful tools that simplify the creation and deployment of RPA bots. Choosing between them will come down to several factors, including your projected course along the RPA maturity curve and the specific nature of your implementation. You can learn more about the different RPA platforms in our vendor comparison white paper, available here.

Industry-specific RPA applications are listed below.

  • Insurance: RPA can streamline time-intensive tasks like claims processing that are both relatively simple to conduct and repeatable.
  • Human resources: Many HR tasks are ripe for RPA implementation. Employee onboarding, for example, includes a number of processes that could easily be handled by automated bots.
    Health care: There are a wide variety of internal tasks that can be enhanced through RPA, including processing medical insurance claims, managing patient records while complying with industry regulations and executing billing jobs.
  • Financial services: Banks and other financial institutions can automate account openings, financial transactions and comply with audit requests.
    Customer service: Contact center operations can be drastically improved by using RPA to integrate information from various databases and place it in the hands of customer service representatives.
  • Payment processing: The processing of clearinghouse payments is sufficiently routine that it can be automated. A Fortune 100 diversified bank recently used RPA to automate its ACH (automated clearing house) payment processing.
  • Request processing: RPA can be used to automate certain routine customer requests. A leading European food producer used RPA to automate the processing of simple customer order inquiries, reducing manual effort by 40-60%.
  • Validation: RPA is also useful in performing tasks involving validation, as it is easy for computers to tell if one thing is not exactly the same as another. As an example, BNY Mellon automated web-based client record reconciliation, freeing its employees from a tedious, mistake-prone process.

Software Quality Assurance – QA Engineer Skills Requirement

A software quality assurance engineer monitors every phase of the software development process and ensures that the design and software adhere to company standards.

Software delays are costly for a company, so it is vital for software releases to meet target dates and stay within budget. A software quality assurance engineer helps meet release deadlines by breaking up the development process into attainable testing goals and relaying any issues back to the development and product teams or leaders.

Jobs for Software Quality Engineers

Software quality engineers work in a variety of fields. You may find them:

  • Assessing whether an airplane’s control system meets required performance standards.
  • Designing a plan to test potential human errors in an automated system for drug delivery.
  • Using tools to track software bugs.
  • Making sure a video game won’t crash just when you’re about to take out the bad guy.

How to Become a Software Quality Assurance Engineer

While there is no license or certification required, getting a job in the field usually requires at least an associate or bachelor’s degree related to computer or any other field, as well as prior practical  experience. It sounds like a catch-22; you need experience to get a job. The way out of the impasse is to work a series of internships while in school or work on IT projects or Open source projects. It is also important to remain up-to-date in the current trends and latest advancements in the field. The state of the art in computer programming can change rapidly.

Top QA Engineer Skills

A software quality assurance engineer must have strong skills in a variety of categories: engineering and technology, math and science, verbal and written communication, problem-solving, reasoning and logic, and practical skills like exceptional documentation and time management capabilities. Companies require software quality assurance engineers to have:

  • An associate or bachelor’s degree
  • An understanding of software QA methodologies, tools, and processes
  • Knowledge of SQL and scripting
  • Working experience in software development and software quality assurance
  • Knowledge of the current trends and latest advancements.
  • Knowledge of various QA / Testing tools
  • Hands-on experience with Test Automation tool(s)

Technical Skills
Of course, to be a software quality assurance engineer, you have to thoroughly understand the software you are working with, as well as any number of related tools. Which programming languages, tools, and techniques you have to know may change rapidly; an online list is likely to get out of date quickly. If you are ready to work in the field, you’ll know how to find out what’s current, and have top-notch technical skills such as these:

  • Ability to Code Automated Tests using one or more automation tools including UFT/QTP, Katalone, Microsoft Coded UI, Ruby, Cucumber, Watir, Selenium etc.
  • Knowledge of various types of software applications (i.e. Packaged Software, Web Applications, Windows-based applications, Web Services, Mobile applications etc…)
  • Ability to work with various QA/Testing tools and technologies – i.e. Azure DevOps or TFS, SOAP UI, HP ALM, JIRA etc.
  • Create Test Plans
  • Understanding of SQL Scripts and able to write SQL to work with various Databases.
  • Develop Standards and Procedures to Determine Product Quality and Release Readiness
  • Discover Bugs Within Software
  • Drive Innovation and Streamline Overall Testing Process
  • Experience with Agile Development Process
  • Experience with Web-Based Testing Applications
  • Identify, Isolate, and Track Bugs Throughout Testing
  • Identify Potential Problems Users May Encounter
  • Perform Manual and Automated Testing
  • Research and Analyze Product Features Being Tested
  • Research New Tools, Technologies, and Testing Processes
  • Review User Interfaces for Consistency and Functionality
  • Solid Understanding of QA Testing Environments
  • Thorough Understanding of Software Development Life Cycles

Analytical Skills
It is not enough to know how the software works. To figure out what’s wrong when it does not work, you must be a creative, insightful, and rational thinker. Some people are naturally better at these types of thinking than others, but fortunately, it is possible to improve your analytical skills with practice.

  • Analytical Thinking
  • Attention to Detail
  • Excellent Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills
  • Thinking Outside the Box
  • Willingness to Learn New Technologies
  • Analyze Test Results
  • Break Project into Attainable Progress Goals
  • Identify Areas of Improvement
  • Interpret Technical and Business Objectives and Challenges

Communication Skills
Clear and accurate written and verbal communication is a must, but a quality software assurance engineer must also have more than a little tact. Consider that your job will be to tell other professionals that they have done something wrong, that the program or app they’ve put time, money, and emotion into doesn’t work right. That’s something nobody wants to hear.

  • Strong Written and Verbal Communication
  • Communicate with Technical and Non-Technical Resources
  • Document Test Cases
  • Perform and Document Risk Analysis
  • Record Test Progress and Results

Ability to Work on a Team
You may or may not be the only software quality assurance engineer at your company, but you will be working with other programmers and members of other departments. You will have to understand their goals and objectives and, in some cases, explain problems and necessary solutions and adjusted timelines to people who don’t have any specialized knowledge of software.

  • Flexibility
  • Initiative
  • Pro-activeness
  • Persistence
  • Work Closely with Development and Product Teams

Time Management Skills
Part of working on a team means working with other people’s timelines and finishing your work in a reasonable amount of time. Since you don’t know when a problem might arise, keeping on schedule takes strong time management skills.

  • Work Efficiently in a Fast-Paced Environment
  • Ability to Work Independently and in a Team-Based Environment

If you are interested in pursuing Software QA/Testing career, attend IntelliX’s 6-week long SQA Bootcamp.

What is RPA (Robotic Process Automation)?

Robotic process automation (RPA) is an emerging form of clerical process automation technology based on the notion of software robots or artificial intelligence (AI) workers.

Defining RPA: Taking the robot out of the human
At first glance, RPA may sound like theoretical tech along the lines of self-aware artificial intelligence, but the actual mechanics are much more mundane and connected to modern business operations.

RPA involves the use of automated “bots” to manage a wide variety of internal processes that would otherwise require manual operation. These tasks can include anything from processing insurance claims to opening new bank accounts, but RPA solutions are often used for time-consuming and arduous jobs that don’t take advantage of knowledge workers’ specialized expertise and skill sets. As TechTarget explained, record management, handling transactions and running database queries are all viable candidates for RPA implementation.

When used in the right environments, RPA tools can replace thousands of manhours handling repetitive tasks, freeing up staff members to tackle more value-driven projects.

What are RPA robots?
When we talk about robots as they pertain to RPA, what we really mean is software. Bots in this sense refer to programs that simulate a human activity, like crawling data repositories for information, for instance. By automating bots to respond to particular events with a predefined set of actions, businesses can dramatically increase the speed of their internal workflows, while also minimizing the potential for costly mistakes like data entry errors.

The important criteria to keep in mind when discussing RPA and its potential applications is structure and repeatability. RPA bots are not “intelligent” or “thinking” the same way machine learning and AI tools are. At their most fundamental capabilities, RPA solutions are not able to self-improve or think critically about the task at hand. They just do what they’re told.

In this way, RPA is a very different form of technology than ML or AI. It is arguably more beneficial and relevant to modern-day business, especially among organizations that rely on numerous repetitive workflows to operate. While RPA isn’t a self-learning asset, it can be configured to spot errors and mistakes in internal processes and flag them accordingly. With the combined benefits of accelerated business speed, increased workflow accuracy and employee productivity, it’s easy to see why this technology has generated a lot of interest.

Major RPA software applications
When vetting potential RPA platforms, decision-makers should look for solutions that can be applied to workflows specific to their industry. RPA software may not necessarily be custom designed with a certain vertical in mind, but it should be able to support common processes and the most beneficial applications.

With that in mind, there are three RPA software leaders that can support most automation use cases. They are:

  • UiPath
    Automation Anywhere
    Blue Prism

All are powerful tools that simplify the creation and deployment of RPA bots. Choosing between them will come down to several factors, including your projected course along the RPA maturity curve and the specific nature of your implementation. You can learn more about the different RPA platforms in our vendor comparison white paper, available here.

Industry-specific RPA applications are listed below.

  • Insurance: RPA can streamline time-intensive tasks like claims processing that are both relatively simple to conduct and repeatable.
  • Human resources: Many HR tasks are ripe for RPA implementation. Employee onboarding, for example, includes a number of processes that could easily be handled by automated bots.
    Health care: There are a wide variety of internal tasks that can be enhanced through RPA, including processing medical insurance claims, managing patient records while complying with industry regulations and executing billing jobs.
  • Financial services: Banks and other financial institutions can automate account openings, financial transactions and comply with audit requests.
    Customer service: Contact center operations can be drastically improved by using RPA to integrate information from various databases and place it in the hands of customer service representatives.
  • Payment processing: The processing of clearinghouse payments is sufficiently routine that it can be automated. A Fortune 100 diversified bank recently used RPA to automate its ACH (automated clearing house) payment processing.
  • Request processing: RPA can be used to automate certain routine customer requests. A leading European food producer used RPA to automate the processing of simple customer order inquiries, reducing manual effort by 40-60%.
  • Validation: RPA is also useful in performing tasks involving validation, as it is easy for computers to tell if one thing is not exactly the same as another. As an example, BNY Mellon automated web-based client record reconciliation, freeing its employees from a tedious, mistake-prone process.

Introduction to Selenium

Testing is a process, where we verify and validate that the actual matches the expected. That’s one of the easiest way to put this complex process into wording. And automation basically means something which allows replacing man with a machine. The most basic example of automation is a “wheel”. Test Automation is a process where we automate the process of testing. Or in other words – Software test automation refers to the activities and efforts that intend to automate engineering tasks and operations in a software test process using well-defined strategies and systematic solutions.

The following objectives are expected to be achieved from the Test automation –

  • Decrease in cost
  • Decrease in time to delivery
  • Effective utilization of resources
  • Improved quality
  • Requirements of Test Automation can be depicted in the following diagram

A lot of both commercial and open source solutions are available in the market out there. Commercial solution comes with hefty license fees, where as open source solutions are freely available. And there are a lot of differences amongst these solutions.

Example of commercial solutions are – UFT from HP, RFT from Microsoft, Smart Bear from Test complete etc.
Examples of open source solutions are – Watir, Selenium, Sahi etc.

Out of the available open source solutions in the market, Selenium is the most popular choice. The reason for its popularity is the cool feature set this tool has. But before that, let us talk about the history of Selenium. Selenium was created in 2004 by Jason R Huggins. Some of the cool features of selenium are –

  • It supports multiple browsers like Internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome.
  • It supports scripting in multiple languages like C#, Java, Perl, Python etc
  • It supports multiple operating systems like the tests of Selenium can run on windows, linux, mac…

Selenium is released under Apache 2.0 license which means we can download and use it at no cost. The home page of Selenium is – Selenium is not one single test automation tool. But it is a project which has four major components –

  • Selenium IDE
  • Selenium RC
  • Selenium Webdriver
  • Selenium Grid

Selenium IDE

Selenium IDE is a Firefox plugin. It is used for recording and playback of scenarios. It allows us to save our tests in Java, Ruby and other programming languages. Selenium IDE doesn’t support by default usage of programming constructs and also doesn’t have support for reports.

Selenium RC

Selenium RC, also known as Selenium remote control, also known as Selenium 1.0 is one of the oldest component of Selenium which is no longer used now. Selenium RC works by injecting a java script proxy server in the browser and sends command to it, which then automates the browser and sends the response back.

Selenium Webdriver

Selenium Webdriver is also known as Selenium 2.0. It works on the concept that browser own API can be extended to automate the browser. So each browser has its own webdriver which allows to automate the browser. The selenium most common implementation is of webdriver.

Selenium Grid

Selenium Grid, uses selenium rc in two modes hub and node. It allows the tests to run in parallel on different systems using same or different browsers. This allows to save time, the maximum time taken is the time taken by the longest test to run. It is also used for Cross browser testing.