There has been witnessed a paradigm shift in the way test cases are designed. Long gone are the days of writing inefficient, tedious test scenarios. With the introduction of BDD, all teams are empowered now to talk in same language, thus improving efficiency and better product development.

Test Automation Training: The Ruby Cucumber with Watir and Selenium Bootcamp is designed to provide you hands-on knowledge and skills to enable you to write scenarios using BDD as a platform using RubyMine, and use Ruby as an underlying technology to create and execute scenarios to test web applications, databases, web services etc.
What is Automation Testing?
Automation testing is a process in which a testing tool which is also another software application is used to test the system. Test scripts are created and executed and then the results of these tests are compared with expected results. It is always wise to automate repetitive but essential testing processes as it saves a lot of time.
What is Cucumber?
Cucumber is a testing approach which supports Behavior Driven Development (BDD). It explains the behavior of the application in a simple English text using Gherkin language. Cucumber support many languages like Ruby, Python, C#, Java, etc. Cucumber is integrated and supported by many frameworks like Watir, ruby on rails, Selenium, Capybara and so on. This Bootcamp, we focus on integrating cucumber with Watir and Selenium.
What is Ruby?
Ruby is a dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write. For the same reason many companies in Columbus area (i.e. Nationwide, Huntington, Grange Insurance, few State of Ohio agencies etc.) using Ruby Programming for BDD Framework and building Automation Tests.
What Is Selenium?
Selenium is an automation tool for Functional Testing of the web-based application. Selenium supports different language like java, ruby, python C#, etc.
What Is Watir?
Watir (Web Application Testing In Ruby) is another automation tool like Selenium that is used for Functional Testing of the web-based application. It works with ruby programming language.
After the completion of Ruby with Cucumber Bootcamp you will be able to:
- Understand ATDD/BDD functionality
- Understand the nitty-gritty of Ruby programming language using RubyMine (Ruby Programming constructs, Object-Oriented concepts, Mixin etc.) – utilize RubyMine IDE
- Apply various Testing techniques in Cucumber – Acceptance Tests, Steps, Step Definitions etc.
- Understand OOP/Page Objects Pattern and how to apply for Automation Tests
- Learn about Watir and Selenium Web-Drivers & explore Ruby with Cucumber framework, Watir and Selenium
- Apply Cucumber/RegEx/Watir/Selenium knowledge to Test Web Applications.
- Generate reports using Cucumber
- Most importantly learn to build automation tests using Ruby/Cucumber/Watir/Selenium and RubyMine from Scratch!
Applicable Job Roles: Quality Assurance Analyst, Software Tester, Quality Assurance Engineer, QA Specialist
Prerequisite: Prior knowledge of Manual Testing and Software Quality Assurance process is required.
Learning Approach: You will start by learning ATDD process and then dive into writing acceptance tests using Cucumber and Gherkin. After that you will take a deep-dive with Ruby Programming and start converting Cucumber acceptance tests into Steps and Step Definitions. You will also learn about Object-Oriented programming. After that you will learn to utilize Watir & Selenium web drivers and learn about PageObjects framework to build automation tests. After learning sessions are completed, you will also work on a project to apply what you learned in the Bootcamp and build Automation Tests for a Real-world IT system. No additional cost for Project experiences and it is included as part of your fees. You will also have access to Thursday evening Lab.
Boocamp Duration: Includes 3.5 Weekends (Saturday & Sunday 8:45 AM – 1:15 PM, Wednesday & Thursday – 6:15 PM to 8:15 PM) every week + Project. Approx. 48+ Hours of learning!